Are you ready to have your life change
in the best way possible?

At Soul Radiance Retreats we believe
that life is to be fully lived

From joy
From magic
From deep within your soul

Would you like to:

~ Spend a week to replenish, renew and recalibrate your path and purpose for your one precious life?

~ Be with others who love what you love?

~ Take the time and space to truly discover what it means to live your fullest life possible and keep it moving inside you.

You are in the right place and this is your time!

Our retreats are created to combine
the fun, excitement, new discovery and adventure of travel
while unleashing
your magnificence for a happy, fulfilled life.


I welcome you into a journey of the exploration of the gift of you.

We welcome you into the heart-centered quest of creating
the whole new life that is beckoning you.

You deserve the space and means to relish life in greater ways than you ever have.
There is nothing like the space of a week away from all that normally surrounds you.

There is nothing like the journey of a week in paradise to open to the love,
the enriching peace, the joyful aliveness, and the igniting of your purpose-filled life
in ways that you never even imagined were possible.

The universe is calling you and your heart and soul
to join in on the heaven on earth experience you crave.

It is all here for you.

Come home to feeling seen and understood while deepening your genuine connection to spirit.
Know that you are thoroughly loved and supported in your uniqueness.
Let your soul take you where you long to be.
Let your heart be blossoming to overflowing with new love and appreciation for the life you are birthing.
Ignite the inner flame of your divine connection.

You are welcome here.

Welcome to Soul Radiance Retreats.

“Good Wonderful Sunshine Morning: I am just wanting to send U a quick HUGE THANK YOU. I am still processing and feeling very blessed and much Joy. What A Divine Gift To Feel All that Love From Such Beautiful Divine Souls……. And U Susann Created this Beautiful Coming together With Such Love Thank You From the Bottom of My Heart. I Feel with this Group there Is More Creating Of Divine Love For Gaia and Humanity Coming. Sending U A Huge Hug.” ~ Ann

“This special retreat time has put me on the path, as divine intervention for me, to get the strength for the last push of my labor in my REBIRTH. An unforgettable point in my life supported by the most beautiful souls, bringing me back into the world with strength, courage and passion.” ~ Isabel

“It is difficult to describe the depth of grace and wisdom that delights in coming forward when an atmosphere of love and welcome is provided. Imagine the blessings when a group of conscious women come together, drawn by the substance of a masterful and inspired leader. All is beautifully provided from the earth fire for creation and transformation in the personal and global.” ~ JP

“My heart is overflowing with gratitude and joy for the insights and wisdom gained, and the vast expansion experienced, all being cradled by the sacred sisterhood. We laughed, we danced, we played, we cried, we manifested, we healed in this invisible universe of Love.” ~ Amanda

“Thank you. I am filled with such Love and acceptance of what is now a sacred community created out of the disparate individuals who joined this retreat – by divine orchestration.” ~ Mary.

“Thank you for the gift of joy and love and the opening of my heart which honors  my soul’s essence.” ~ Sarah


This is Susann, and I welcome you into the very happy place of Soul Radiance Retreats.

We have been to Grand Cayman, Costa Rica, Spain, Sedona, and the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia.

Join me, join us, to let the miracle of infinite possibilities be your foundation and your joy.