“I truly appreciate all the planning and energy and time it must have taken to facilitate this amazing retreat! Wonderful, restful, healing, and magical. Thank you.” ~ KM

“You are fabulous Susann and Nikki.” ~ CF

“It’s a fantastic retreat! Great location; good balance between activities and free time; nice qigong inspired exercise in the morning, and a fabulous group of people that were brought together.” ~ AS

“I have had a fabulous time at the retreat. I am so grateful to you for encouraging me to come, even when I was freaking out with fear!” ~ ZP

“My heart is truly opening up and that It will continue to do so, without the fear of being broken again. Thank you Nikki and Susann and myself for that!” ~ MK

“I am inspired by the magic portals that I feel are opening up for me.” ~ MS

“I feel I am on my path to understand/embody my Divine Feminine and this retreat is helping me feel into what this means for me.” ~ RK

“I am happy I came to this retreat and to this location. I have received so much more spiritual growth than I thought I would even though I did not have well defined expectations. I have a more elevated expanded consciousness of myself and others here.
To all the soul stars of this retreat:
Each one of you has shifted my heart and I thank you for seeing, hearing and loving me in my raw and vulnerable awkwardness. My desire is that by me growing deeper into heart I have also shifted you, and that you have a deeper love and appreciation for life, love and yourselves.” ~ DR